If you’re considering booking one of our online appointments, it’s important to think about the steps you can take to ensure that your safety, privacy, security and confidentiality are protected.
Here are some simple actions you can take that will help keep you protected. They will also enable you to get the best experience from your online therapy session.
Technical Requirements
- Try to take your meeting somewhere you have stable internet connectivity.
- Check that your device is safe to use and that your camera and microphone are enabled.
- Plug your device in to an electricity supply or make sure it’s fully charged. This will help avoid any interruptions to your session.
- Supplying the correct contact telephone number means your session can continue if internet connectivity be disrupted.
- Hypnotherapy must not be engaged with during or immediately prior to driving or operating machinery. Performing any task that requires your full concentration is also not advisable as hypnotherapy can temporarily impair your concentration.
- Plan where will you be during your meeting. Ideally, you’ll be somewhere that is safe, secure and private.
- Consider how easy or likely it is for someone to overhear you. You’re likely to be sharing personal information during your session, so think about what actions you can take to avoid being overheard.
- Try and find somewhere or something that will help you feel more comfortable and able to talk. This will help you to engage with your therapy.
Your Environment
- Try to find a place where you feel comfortable and safe. Getting the best out of therapy relies on being able to speak freely and without interuption.
- If possible and safe to do so, reduce or remove any distractions such as TV, music, e.tc.
- Turn your phone on to silent mode. This reduces distraction by calls and messages, yet allows your therapist to reach you if your internet connection drops.
- Avoid driving or performing any task that requires your concentration during therapy as distractions can jeopardise your safety. Also, performing such tasks during your therapy session can significantly impair your ability to engage with the process, therefore reducing the therapeutic benefit to you.
- If you’re caring for children or vulnerable people, consider how you plan therapy around them. You may find it helpful to identify rest times or times when they are involved with other activities which gives you time to talk
- If you have active or noisy pets, it can help to plan your therapy sessions around times when they are more quiet. For instance, after taking the dog for a walk and settling it down. This will help enable you to focus on your therapy without being overly concerned for the welfare of your pet.